Are you in search of downloading the latest Bus mod of Volvo 9800 for your Bus Simulator Indonesia, then it is the right place to find and gives you a proper installation guide on how to use Volvo 9800 Bus Mod.
About Volvo 9800 Bus
It is a very impressive and luxurious bus for the Bus simulator Indonesian players, It has very good animation, a real interior, and an exterior with realistic sound to the bus.
Features of MOD
In this mod users do not need to integrate the livery, this will automatically used into the game.
- Realistic exterior
- Detailed interior
- Realistic lights in both exterior and interior
- Real Physics and Suspension
- 3 animation keys
- Extra foglights
- Real Engine sound
- Lower Berth Seat Recline (Animation)
- Unique Animation
- Realistic Ambient Light (Dashboard)
- Same template (Sleeper)
Features of Animation
1- With the first animation the bus driver’s gate and front bumper will automatically open and the bus will slightly shift upwards which makes this bus a full mindblowing.
2- With the use of a second animation button the bus curtains will automatically set to default and when clicked another time then this will disappear.
3- With the use of the third animation button the bus is very fantastic the driver’s door will automatically close and open also the seat will automatically adjust with the auto light on.
How to Import the Bus Skin
- Open the game
- Tap on the MOD option at the left corner
- Now select the .rar or .zip file whichever user has.
- Select the file and click on import.
- Finally, click on apply.
The Skin is Finally applied and is ready to play, it does not require any additional livery to use in the game.
Is it safe to download the Volvo 9800 Bus Skin?
Yes, it is 100% safe and secure to download the Volvo 9800 Bus mod for BUSSID.
What is Volvo 9800?
The Volvo 9800 is a bus skin developed by third-party developers to keep in mind of giving a Luxury bus feeling to players.
There are hundreds of bus skins like the Komban bus skin livery which is a great choice for Indian buses, but the Volvo 9600 is a super luxury bus for various players to play in the world of simulation.
I hope you have successfully downloaded the Volvo 9600 bus skin and also imported it into the game successfully, now enjoy the game with full functionality, keep in mind that this skin of the bus is only working on the bus simulator Indonesia mod version, Normal version does not support this kind of Imported skins by a third party.